1. Why should ice show id in blue states that tell illeagals they dont have to shoow id,illeagals have no rights here

  2. Trump taking away USAID will greatly affect rural red voting farmers who rely on the money they are paid to process the food that USAID buys from them that helps people in other countries AND in the U.S..
    Farmers are already seeing the effects of this and many are worried they will lose their farms.
    Your tax dollars went to bail them out last time to the tune of around 20 billion because of trumps tariffs on China.
    I look forward to seeing the red hats working the fields now that documented workers are being deported. Get ready for 7 day work weeks and getting paid $7.25 an hour.
    Here in teas the price of eggs has skyrocketed to around $7-8 a dozen.
    Gas is up almost $1.00 in the last 3 weeks. Where’s the "i did this" stickers now?

  3. That is so considered kidnapping if you do not have a badge or any kind of shield to identify yourself. That’s not even cool. That’s scary as fuck. If we have to have identification, they too need to have identification.

  4. Go to Williams Sonoma warehouse next. They fired majority of the American employees to hire Mexicans fir cheap labor and none of them spoke English. That’s suspicious.

  5. By all means deport those that are in our country illegally but even Federal agents need to follow the law by identifying themselves.

  6. Media always talks to the clueless ones. Hey Valdez let’s see your papers. Illegal aliens should be scared. Very scared. What rights? Arrest Valdez and that driver. IT IS RIGHT and LAWFUL. Arrest the owner and make him pay ALL back taxes and fines for hiring illegals

  7. yes you do have human rights but this is completely different thing from US citizens rights, our system is set up in such a way that you still benefit from it even without being legal citizen. to the government the issue on this are taxes for me its also a tax issue since it brings up the overall cost of living this is why food is so high it not that the chicken wanted a pay raise but because only 70% of it was paid for this cost is across many things besides just produce
    a big one could be that in ten years you could be paying up 700 dollars pre kid to go to school

    the aim here is to insue that more people are able to strive instead of just surviving

  8. They are going their job and illegals are probably being paid with our tax money at the same time ice are doing their job illegals commited a crime coming into our country

  9. I was reading the other day about how they’re trying to make it a law that you can’t vote against trump in Tenn. It would be illegal and a felony.
    And how again is he not a dictator?

  10. Employee rights were violated? They broke the law coming into another country illegally and the food truck owner broke the law. If other Americans break the law, guess what happens to them? They get arrested!

  11. Musk was in the U.S. for 9 years on a H1B visa before getting citizenship. H1B visa’s only last 3 years. So he was an "illegal" too but you all kiss his nazi ass.

  12. I hate that happened but if it will help round up illegals then I’m for it,but they should have shown there badges .

  13. Not finna argue with these folks

    If you came to America in last 4 years then Deport them.

    If they been here 7+ years are they breaking the law or have they been no isssue s let them stay

  14. Other news media report that the owner has been doing this for years. He hires illegal migrants and pay them low wages. His shop was closed down a few years ago for the same reason.

  15. What surprises me is Americans are fighting for these immigrants to take our jobs to take my jobs. The Americans jobs. You guys need to get a life. These immigrants need to go home where they belong and make their own life and leave our lives alone our loved ones alone these immigrants killed the US citizens and you all are fighting for them. Y’all are a joke. The lefties are jokes

  16. This guy is known for hiring recently arrived illegal immigrants so he can pay them below acceptable wages, make them work long hours and pay them under the table so he doesn’t have to pay taxes on them.

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