1. WOW! It’s not at all the venue I’m accustomed to you guys being at. So sorry to hear it’s not working out for you on so many levels. Can’t wait to see the next post, hopefully more positive. 💕

  2. Welcome to Memphis! Memphis is horrible, they don’t call it the little Chicago for nothing. Be careful, so much crime. I can say this because I live in a small town 45 minutes from downtown Memphis and I used to work in Memphis for years and years. We never go there anymore, too much crime.

  3. Are these retail markets you go to? It seems like the prices are always super high for wholesale vendors. I guess I didn’t realize they were large markets that were open to people to shop retail.

  4. The economy is actually better than some people think. I think people are saturated with the stuff found at these kinds of markets. People are spending money, believe me, but not in my booth either! LOL!. Im sorry the return on your investment is so poor. Some other crafters i watch have decided to quit doing markets because of poor sales.

  5. The mall where I rent a space the owner won’t allow anymore vendors selling clothing because there’s too much already and she wants more variety

  6. I hate that yall had a bad experience, it sucks that promoter would have the same event on back to back weekends, especially since you got the 2nd weekend. I have noticed the same thing at all the markets we have attended in the last year, they have gone from Vintage/Holiday to nothing but Boutique, it’s disappointing to those of us who attend these for unique home decor and hand crafted products. If I wanted to shop at a boutique, there are tons of them all over my town. Wish these promoters would pick up on that. I’ve honestly stopped going to some of the markets for this exact reason, they no longer bring in vendors I am interested in so why pay for parking and entry fees to walk around and not even see anything I want. Hopefully these events take feedback from yall.

  7. So sorry y"all were so disappointed after working so hard! My husband and I attend a market called Hollydays put on by the Junior League in Baton Rouge every year. We’ve been married 33 years and have never missed a single one! We have a Santa collection so we always look for unique Santas to add to our collection. We have one for each year since we’ve been married and 99% came from Hollydays! The year after Covid restrictions were lifted we headed out on our annual trek to get Santa, and we basically walked into a clothing and hair show! Little to no Christmas and almost none of the quirky lovely booths we were used to! We stayed 5 minutes and left after buying tickets that I think were around $20 each! We haven’t been back since that happened, so we’re both hoping it will be back to "normal" this year so we can resume our usual traditions! We felt like the 2 of you looked in this video lol!! Good luck in the future and I hope it didn’t dampen your spirits too much! (Love your chanel btw!!!) Hope it gets better!!

  8. Had to say something! This looked like the local mall not a vintage show. I think the markets that i used to do have ended. We could not have anything that was store bought had to be upcycled or made.

  9. 🤞🤞🤞🤞 crossing everything for you guys 😮😮😮😮 I hope you guys are just trying to get more views 😂😂😂 you all are stuck in a mall 😢 oh my – that motel stay was soooooo icky 😤😤

  10. I do think when they have events to close together it hurts the sales a lot. Plus a lot of people don’t come back they think it is the same stuff they will be looking at I did this for 35 years and it kept getting worse as time went on.

  11. Nope nope nope, that is filthy and I would’ve never stayed there and at the very least they would be getting a piece of my mind in the morning. There is old and there is filthy and that’s filthy. Having to sleep in something like that is enough to ruin your whole time

  12. So sorry to hear about all of your woes. I appreciate you guys sharing the good, the bad and the ugly times. I feel for you guys. Love you both ❤❤❤

  13. I do one Christmas market at our local fairgrounds and it is a tremendous amount of work lugging, hauling and setting up!!!! Not to mention packing up and shlepping it back home 🤪 I admire the two of you, as I know first hand how much work is involved!! Your booth is always amazing and very welcoming, it’s very discouraging when the sales are down but that venue looks to be a tough one, and don’t get me started on that hotel……..honestly…… yukamuca!!!! Hang in there❤️🇨🇦

  14. 23:22 for that leaf blower make sure to wear ear protectors because that high pitch noise is what does the damage – or so I’ve read 😊 😊 otherwise more toys 🎉 so fun 😊

  15. Ugh! My heart hurts for you guys!!!!! I tell ya, my weekly groceries were just under $800 this week when they use to be just around $250!!!! This 💩 has got to stop!! Do what is best for your business and SANITY!!! Good grief hand walking all that in???? Nope 👎🏻

  16. I think sadly for everyone that is trying to do marketing they can do great either way bad or good on the other side people are doing diy because they can’t afford to buy at stores or markets. But love you guys keep your heads up ❤

  17. I hope all goes well for your next days with this market. If you decide to do the next market, good luck! This experience will help you plan which markets went well and didn’t for next year. I only go to craft fairs that are good throughout the years too. Take care on the road.

  18. Hey Melissa and Sue! I’ve done 2 shows since I saw you in Ft Myers and both have not been good. Sales are way down. I blame it on the economy. There are people, not as many as last year, but they are not buying. The shows I’ve done are a paid to get in and there’s only so much money to go around. One is an established "pumpkin patch" type show which I’ve always done well at but they raised the admission and the artists/crafters are the ones to suffer. They need money to feed the kids and so we’re out. I have 2 more shows this year and than I’m going to reconsider things and maybe wait till this depression ends. It’s stupid to pay big bucks to enter a show, pay all the expenses and than sit there wasting our time. And if you did poorly at this show it really must be bad because you’re stuff is GREAT. In spite of things, Happy Holidays to both of you. (This is Linda behind you in Ft Myers. I just realized you wouldn’t know who I was from the name!)

  19. I remember doing a show that was hit by a snow storm. It was horrible. Very little sales. I called my husband to pick me up in the four wheel drive truck. We left all of our table of goods and came back the next day to pack up.

  20. I like to refer to those markets, or if I go into a store like that as a catalog store catalog market when you make things by hand or they are antique it’s much more appealing anybody can go online and order 10 of some thing

  21. It was so fun meeting you and Sue, after a few years of watching you two we feel like we know you. So sorry is was not a great market for you. It’s not a market I would go back to, Katie and I like more hand made or upcycled itemms. I feel like you were tucked pretty far back, wonder if that was part of the problem. Katie and I love all the treasures we purched from you! Sue is too cute with her new toy, it’s the simple things that make us happy! Enjoy your trip, I’d say you’ve earned a few cocktails and a great rest!

  22. I, my SIL and niece went to one in Grass Valley in the California Sierra foothills 2 years ago. Everything was expensive and there weren’t nearly the vendor numbers and they were not as varied as in the past. It was disappointing, we didn’t purchase a thing, not even food.

  23. Our store is very slow right now too. We have the only antique mall and only store in an area of 500,000 people. I have not made my rent yet this month . I have 3 booths.

  24. What hotel were you saying in??? I live in Memphis, and I know that there are wonderful hotels here I have never seen or heard of one like that here. You might have to spend more money than you paid for that.

  25. I manage an extended stay in Indiana and no way is that acceptable!!!!! Im curious to know if that is a franchised or if it is an owned site that is terrible. I’m gonna do some digging

  26. Darn, I’m sorry things aren’t going well. It’s soooo much work. You girls basically worked for free. Hope Saturday and Sunday were better.

  27. If I paid to get into that show to shop or even if I didn’t pay, I would have been very disappointed, I can buy clothes anywhere. I know if I came and saw your booth I probably would be in there for hours! 🤣 Hoping it gets better for you guys, I love your videos and the time you take to share everything with us. Oh and you both look FABULOUS! 👍

  28. I have been thinking about doing the Lebanon market in Sept… I do Stained Glass and after I attended its more of a boutique flea market… I dunno how well Id do granted it does look upscale enough that I could do well but I dunno.

  29. As a former cleaner this is BAD! Unfortunately all maintenance will do for the bathroom ceiling is run a dust rag over the vent (maybe) and paint Kiehl’s over the mold. The remote back and dust and dirt is unacceptable. The dust tells me it’s not a room that’s used or cleaned often.
    I’m sorry y’all are having such a bad trip…
    Tomorrow will be AMAZING!!

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